After All – Theatre Porto
AFTER ALL by Solène Weinachter is a celebration of our vulnerable and courageous existence. Solène melds dance, comedy, storytelling, and theatre to ask – what happens in the end? Through a series of comedic re-enactments of the funerals of those she’s loved – as well as imagining her own – Solène attempts to conjure a better space, to be with death, dying and loss. AFTER ALL is a heartfelt exploration of the death rituals we have; the ones lost and those that need to be invented. Solène joyously brings us together to explore the role that dancing might play in healing.
AFTER ALL is a Dance-Theatre solo supported by the Rural Touring Dance Initiative. The show contains a strong narrative told through speech, movement, and comedy.
Friday 4th October 7pm
Theatre Porto
0151 357 2120
Suitable for adults and 12+
Solène will be hosting Death Café workshops at Storyhouse in Chester week beginning 30th September 2024. Please see Storyhouse’s website for more details: www.storyhouse.com or call 01244 409 113.